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The B$Z of EEO

Sep 27, 2022

Biz of EEO Podcast Episode #59 Part #1

Hosted by Wanda M. Johnson, President/CEO-PREEMPT/Biz of EEO & Brenda Curry, Marketing and Technology Senior Advisor and Special Guest Garrison Birckett, President/CEO Advanced EEO Solutions.  

In this episode we are discussing "Whether you can Scale an EEO based Business". 

Businesses have been building and growing for years, however, "scaling" is just the new buzz word being used today.  So the question is, can businesses specializing in providing EEO services scale and grow successfully?

We will touch on the following points:

  • Do you have the infrastructure to scale your business?
  • Do you have enough sales to scale your business?
  • Do you have the requisite skills to scale your business?

Take a listen to this informative episode and feel free to leave a comment and then visit our website at